Thursday 28 June 2012

What's up! The name's Jamal, AKA 1-liner.

What's up! The name's Jamal, AKA 1-liner. I first started getting into music at age 13 during my high school days when me and my friend Martin (aka Visceral), started messing about in my gaff using programs such as Logic, and reason. years later in 2006, I got involved in a group named Freestyle Mondays, where MC's gathered together honing their skills and developing their individual flow.

I first doing media drop in 2010 back when it was known as Saturday drop, where we worked on our first big production, the Demise of the Terribly Vile show, which was a hip hop parody of Jeremy Kyle. Nowadays when I'm not chilling in the media lounge, I'm out there busting chops on the drums, or taking part in hip hop comedy!
